Müde trotz genügend Schlaf?

Müde trotz genügend Schlaf?

Nachts genügend geschlafen, aber tagsüber trotzdem müde? Wir erklären dir, wieso dich genug Schlaf nicht immer wach macht und zeigen dir, woran es ...

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Schlafmagazin: Richtige Matratze finden, Matratzenkauf

Die richtige Matratze finden

Eine bequeme Matratze ist grundlegend für einen erholsamen Schlaf. Wir zeigen dir, worauf du beim Matratzenkauf achten kannst und wieso Härtegrad, ...

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Schlafmagazin Junge Frau schläft und träumt ruhig in der Nacht

What happens in REM sleep?

REM sleep is one of the five sleep phases that we go through every night and is often referred to as dream sleep. Here we explain what exactly happ...

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Schlafprobleme bei Depressionen

Sleep problems in depression

Almost 90% of depressed people suffer from sleep disorders. Sleep problems can be both a consequence and a cause of depression. Here we explain why...

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Guter Schlaf in der Schwangerschaft

Good sleep during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women cannot get restful sleep. Here we explain why pregnant women increasingly suffer from sleep disorders and what they ca...

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Schlafmagazin: Zink für einen besseren und ruhigen Schlaf

The trace element zinc

The trace element zinc is crucial for healthy body function and good sleep! You can find out here why zinc supports metabolism, health and sleep an...

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Was bedeutet Achtsamkeit?

What does mindfulness mean?

The term mindfulness is often used in connection with meditation, relaxation and mental health. But what does “being mindful” actually mean and wha...

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